5 Completeness
Highlights of this Chapter: We look to formalize the notion of limit used by the babylonians and archimedes, and come to the Nested Interval Property. We see that this property does not hold in
, so we must seek another axiom which implies us. This leads us to bounds, infima, and suprema. We study the properties of this new definition, use it to define completeness, and show completeness does indeed imply the nested interval property, as we wished.
Now that we have axiomatized the notion of a ‘number line’ as an ordered field, it’s time to try and figure out how to describe “completed” infinite processes in a formal way. This is an inherently slippery notion, as it runs into the difficulty of “talking about infinity, without saying infinity” that lies at the heart of analysis.
So, before introducing the abstract tools that end up best suited for this task (the infimum and supremum), we’ll begin with some motivational exploration, and think about what sort of theorems we would want to be true in a number system that allows one to do infinite constructions.
5.1 Dreaming of Infinity
Archimedes idea for calculating
A collection of intervals like this is called nested:
Definition 5.1 (Nested Intervals) A sequence of intervals
As these nested intervals shrink in size, the hope is that they zero in on
The babylonian process approximating
In formulating any of these processes (pre-rigorously, say, in antiquity) mathematicians always assumed without proof that if you had a collection of shrinking intervals, they were shrinking around some real number that could be captured after infinitely many steps. One way to formalize this hope would be the following ‘dream theorem’.
Dream Theorem: In a complete number system, every sequence of nested intervals has a nonempty intersection.
This sort ‘dream result’ has a strange but important status in mathematics: its not a theorem we can prove right now, but rather a guiding light as we march forward. We should investigate our current axioms and ask if they can prove this - and, if not, we should look for additional axioms to improve our notion of number line until we can!
How do we tell if our current axioms imply this dream theorem? In a situation like this, mathematicians may try to ask what sort of things satisfy the current axioms and look at these for inspiration. Here - the rational numbers satisfy the axioms of an ordered field, and this provides a big hint: Pythagoras proved that there is no rational square root of 2, which implies the Babylonian process does not zero in on any number at all, but rather at infinity reaches nothing!
Because there is at least one ordered field (the rationals) that does not satisfy the dream theorem, we know that these axioms are not enough.
The axioms of an ordered field are not enough to deal with completed infinity: there are ordered fields in which the dream theorem is false.
This tells us we must look to extend our axiom system and search out a new axiom that will help our number system capture the slippery notion of infinite processes. Happily, it turns out a productive approach to this grows naturally out of our discussion of nested intervals. But, to decrease the complexity instead of focusing on the entire interval
5.2 Suprema and Infima
A confidence interval like
It will be useful to describe these concepts more precisely.
Definition 5.2 (Bounds) Let
Definition 5.3 (Maximum & Minimum) Let
The maximum and minimum elements of a set are the best possible upper and lower bounds when they exist: after all, you couldn’t hope to find a smaller lower bound than the maximum, as the maximum would be greater than it, so it couldn’t be an upper bound! While maxima and minima always exist for finite sets things get trickier with infinity. For example, the open interval
The correct generalization of maximum to cases like this is called the supremum: the best possible upper bound.
Definition 5.4 (Supremum) Let
is an upper bound for- If
is any upper bound, then .
When such a least upper bound exists, we call it the supremum of
This notion of best possible upper bound allows us to rigorously capture the notion of endpoint even for infinite sets that do not have a maximum.
Example 5.1 (A set with no maximum) The set
Definition 5.5 (Infimum) The infimum of a set
is a lower bound for .- If
is any other lower bound for , then .
If such an element exists it is denoted
Example 5.2
The set
has no upper bounds at all, so does not exist. It has many lower bounds (like 0, and -14), and its infimum is .The rational numbers themselves have no upper nor lower bound, so
and do not exist.
Exercise 5.1 Consider the following subsets of the rational numbers. State whether or not they have infima or suprema; when they do, give the inf and sup.
5.2.1 Infinite Processes
By focusing on one bound at at time, this new terminology lets us rigorously capture the ideas of the babylonians and archimedes, by giving a name to the idealized endpoint of their infinite processes.
Example 5.3 (The Babylonian
These are all lower bounds for
Consider this entire collection as a set
Example 5.4 (Inscribed Perimeters of Archimedes) Archimedes’ study of inscribed
Each individual number here gives us a lower bound for the circles circumference, as it is computed from a polygon inside the circle. Because this sequence is increasing, larger elements of
Example 5.5 (Circumscribed Perimeters of Archimedes) The other side of archimedes’ confidence intervals were computed using circumscribed polygons. Following Exercise 1.10, we precisely define the circumscribed perimeters by setting
This sequence is decreasing as
One reason that suprema and infima are a useful technology to develop is that they are more general than nested intervals: we can make sense of them to talk about any infinite processes, even ones that we naturally have only a lower, or upper estimate for.
Exercise 5.2 Give a formal statement of the Basel problem solved by Euler in terms of infima or suprema.
Exercise 5.3 Give a formal statement of the result of the infinite product of Viete in terms of infima or suprema. Hint: first figure out, as you add new terms to this approximation, is it increasing or decreasing in value?
5.3 Completeness
Because infima and suprema are such a useful tool to precisely describe the final state of certain infinite processes, they are a natural choice of object to concentrate on when looking for an additional axiom for our number system. Indeed - after some thought you can convince yourself that the statement every infinite process that should end in some number, does end in some number is equivalent to the following definition of completeness.
Definition 5.6 (Completeness) An ordered set is complete if every nonempty subset
Remark 5.1. One question you might ask yourself is why we chose supremum here, and not infimum - or better, why not both?! It turns out that all of these options are logically equivalent, as you can prove in some exercises below. So, any one of them suffices
We can formalize Pythagoras’ observation about the irrationality of
Theorem 5.1 (
Proof (Sketch). A rigorous proof can be given by contradiction: assume that a supremum
Once its known that the supremum must satisfy
Thus, asking a field to be complete is a constraint above and beyond being an ordered field. So, this is a good candidate for an additional axiom! But before we too hastily accept it, we should check that it actually solves our problem:
Theorem 5.2 (Nested Interval Property) Let
Proof. Let
By completeness the supremum must exist: lets call this
We can even take these tools farther, and see that infima and suprema can tell us exactly to a process that produces confidence intervals
This is exactly the validation we needed: while ordered fields do not have enough structure to formalize the infinite processes undertaken in mathematics, complete ordered fields do satisfy the dream theorem! We will study their properties intensively in the next chapter. But for now, we turn to the concept of supremum and infimum themselves, as these seemingly simple ideas will underlie our entire theory of the real numbers.
Exercise 5.4 The proof of the nested interval theorem used the endpoints of the intervals crucially in the proof. One might wonder if the same theorem holds for open intervals (even though the proof would have to change).
Show the analogous theorem for open intervals is false by finding a counter example: can you find a collection of nested open intervals whose intersection is empty?
Exercise 5.5 Either give an example of each (explaining why your example works) or provide an argument (it doesn’t have to be a formal proof) why no such example should exist:
A sequence of nested closed intervals, whose intersection contains exactly
points, for some finite .A sequence of nested closed rays whose intersection is empty. (A closed ray has the form
or as in Definition 4.4).
5.4 Working with and
Proposition 5.1 (Uniqueness of Supremum) If the supremum of a set exists, it is unique.
Proof. Let
To prove
Remark 5.2. These are two important proof techniques in analysis.
First, one way to show that something is unique is to show that if you had two of them, they have to be equal. Second, to show
Exercise 5.6 Prove the infimum of a set is unique when it exists.
Proposition 5.2 Let
Proof. (In the book, Theorem 1.24, page 26) Let’s prove the contrapositive, meaning we assume the conclusion is false and prove the premise is false. The conclusion would be false if there were some positive
Since anytime our proposed condition doesn’t hold,
Remark 5.3. The contrapositive is a very useful proof style, especially in situations where the premise is something short, and the conclusion is something complicated. By taking a look at the contrapositive, you get to assume the negation of the conclusion, meaning you get to assume the complicated thing, and then use it to prove the simple thing (the negation of the premise
Exercise 5.7 Prove the corresponding characterization of infima: a lower bound
Exercise 5.8 Let
Exercise 5.9 Let
- Prove that there is an element
which is an upper bound for . - Give an example to show this is not necessarily true if we only assume
Example 5.6 Let
To prove this, we need to show two things: (1) that
First, we consdier (1). Since
Now, (2). Let
Exercise 5.10 Let
Exercise 5.11 Let
Exercise 5.12 For each item, compute the supremum and infimum, or explain why they does not exist. (You should explain your answers but you do not need to give a rigorous proof)
$- Fix
, and define - Fix
and define .
Exercise 5.13 (Sup and Inf of Intervals) Let
True or false: it is possible to add a single point to
5.4.1 Equivalents to Completeness
Here we tackle the natural questions about why we chose suprema to codify completeness in a series of exercises. Our goal at the end of these is to show that the following three possible completeness axioms are all logically equivalent:
- Any nonempty set thats bounded above has a supremum.
- Any nonempty set thats bounded below has an infimum.
- Any nonempty set thats bounded has a supremum and infimum.
Exercise 5.14 For a set
Thus, assuming that suprema exist forces infima to exist, so in our list above, (1) implies (2).
Exercise 5.15 Prove the converse of the above: if we instead assume that the infimum of every nonempty set thats bounded below exists, show that the supremum of every nonempty set thats bounded above exists.
This shows (2) implies (1), so all together we know that (1) and (2) are equivalent. But since (3) is just the conditions (1) and (2) together, we can derive (3) from either as
Thus both (1) and (2) imply (3). But since (1) and (2) are themselves special cases of (3), we already know (3) implies each of them! So, both of (1) and (2) are equivalent to (3), and all three conditions are logically equivalent to one another.